
Arjana’s love for entertainment began far before she knew what theatre and film/television was. At three years old she proudly strutted through the grocery store with her felt green hat and faux English accent claiming she was Peter Pan, while simultaneously upstaging the hired Ariel at her best friend’s birthday party by belting “Part of Your World.”

At seven years old, she sobbed when she was cast as Granny in Little Red Riding Hood because she had to sing a solo by herself instead of in the “Flower Suite” where she could sing with her friends.

At nine years old, theatre saved her life. As the child of a parent battling Hodgkins Lymphoma, her elementary school’s after school Shakespeare Academy gave her a safe space to explore a world outside of herself.

From that day forward, she was determined to be an actress and give others what performance gave her.

Arjana graduated with her BFA in Musical Theatre from the University of Utah in May 2017 and her MA in Musical Theatre Performance from Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in September 2018. Following her educational pursuits, Arjana spent a year in her favorite city, London, before moving to Los Angeles in November 2019.

A native Californian, honorary Utahn, and self-proclaimed lover of the sun, Arjana has been lucky enough to perform in shows ranging from Romeo & Juliet to Little Shop of Horrors.

Her other interests include writing (BA Writing & Rhetoric Studies, University of Utah), makeup design (she designed the makeup for her CATS cast), weight-lifting, yoga, cooking, and all things travel.

 Oh, and in case you’re wondering, her name is pronounced R-YAWN-uh San-Fih-Lih-Poh.